girls playing the violin

Form IV explore outdoors to write Haiku

26th March 24

students writing down notes



This week Form IV spent an English lesson in the school grounds gathering vocabulary. We did nature rubbings to get different colours and textures, we made a sound map and nature cocktails in beaker when finding words for scents. It was a lot of fun using four of our senses to find different adjectives in the playground.

The next lesson, we used all our wonderful words to write some Haiku – traditional Japanese poetry based on nature. Some of our favourites are shared below with you:


Bright crimson roses

Fragrance waltzed in the zephyr

Like ballerinas.

The lavender’s blue

The foxglove is beautiful

Lovely blossoms bloom.


A majestic bird

Soaring in the high blue sky

As teal as can be.


Winter white roses

Spreads a tasty aroma

Of floral perfume.

Bright sapphire red

Moves like waves dancing around

Emerald field .

Daffodils dances

In the bright beautiful sun

In a lovely group.


The daffodils are

Beautiful and bright yellow

They look like the sun.


Tulips waltzed with pride

In the zephyr together

Like ballerinas.


Glowing bright daisies

Underneath the shining sun

Fragrance filled your nose.


The red tulips shone

They danced in the cool breeze

Someone picked them up.


Golden yellow sun

Shining in the topaz sky

Makes me feel calm.


Winter snow white rose

That smells of strong, fine perfume

Waltzing in the breeze.


Lavender blooming

Flowers bloom in the bright sun

Lime green grass grows up.

The lovely flowers

In the zephyr with the trees

Dancing in the grass.


Pale white roses

They are so cold they just freeze

Standing full of dread.

Bright amethyst rose

Waltzing gently in the zephyr

Smells of strong perfume.


Lillies floating on

Dainty emerald pads so

Peacefully drifting.

Calming red flowers

Growing gently in the breeze

As tall as the trees.

The jade stems so soft

Citrus flowers with great smells

Damp textures mix.

Tall broad woodland tree

As high as a mountain’s peak

Coloured strong bark brown.

Sapphire blue sky

Soaring birds fly to a tree

Emerald green grass.


Ruby red swists were

Swaying gently in the breeze

Like ballerinas.


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