Students playing with cars


Free early education for 3 and 4 year olds

Parents are able to claim free early education at St Hilda’s Nursery the term after their child turns 3 years. We offer 15 hours free funding, spread over 5 days for 3 hours per day.

We offer two options:

  • Our current and preferred nursery session is 8.15am-12.00pm.  The cost for the extra part of the session is £12 per day, invoiced in advance. This can be paid for using childcare vouchers.
  • Alternatively your child may just attend for the 15 funded hours from 8.30am-11.30am. Any changes to this should be made on a termly basis.

If your child’s birthday is between….

You can start using your free hours from…

1st January – 31st March 1st April (after their 3rd birthday)
1st April – 31st August 1st September (after their 3rd birthday)
1 September – 31st December 1st January (after their 3rd birthday)

A parent declaration form must be completed in order to receive funding

More information can be found at:
Students playing with cars
Contact Details
Get in Touch
28 Douglas Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2ES