girls playing the violin

Nursery, Pre-Nursery and Reception St Hilda’s School Harpenden, charity ‘SPACE’ day

22nd March 24

girls dancing in the space

On Friday 22nd March the Early Years team came together to enjoy a fund-raising day for a charity called ‘Space’. Two girls in the school community have a special relationship with this charity as their cousin and her family enjoy fun and support from ‘SPACE’.

Our friends in Form VI held a ‘Bake Sale’ at playtime. All the girls made yummy cakes and sold them to the school community for 50p a cake. Sophia, Alexa and Rosie manned the stall assisted by Mrs Matthews. All funds will be donated to ‘SPACE’.

The Early Years classrooms were filled with fun and excitement as various aliens, space people and even Buzz Lightyear arrived for space themed fun. In Nursery the children enjoyed making rockets and space ships with construction, cutting and painting stars, space themed colouring, and lots more. Pre-Nursery had a Weetabix rocket tray to explore texture, rocket fine motor skill activities including lids to screw onto planets.

After a Busy Fingers session of themed activities all the Early Years children met in the hall for our ‘Star Jump’ challenge. Reception demonstrated the best approach to a good star jump and then 5,4,3,2,1… off we went. After a few minor breaks to catch our breath we completed 50 jumps. We then decided to take turns class by class completing star jumps under the parachute. What fun!!

All the school community at St Hilda’s supported our special day and we took time to think about other children that might need some additional help and thought that fund raising in this way was a positive thing to do.

Thank you to all the children for buying cakes and to all the parents who have kindly donated. Thank you also to Mrs Matthews who spearheaded this charity event.  If you would still like to support this charity and find out a little more about it please see the links below:




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28 Douglas Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2ES