girls playing the violin

Nursery Weekly News 11th September 2023

15th September 23

This week we are working really hard on our fine motor skills and gross motor skills. We have been exploring a range of activities in Busy Fingers, including using scissors to cut different leaves and textures such as card, straws and bubble wrap. We tried really hard to hold the scissors in a safe and correct grip as we snipped and cut. We enjoyed using lots of different construction toys such as Popoids, Lego, Stickle Bricks, and Magformers, to connect and build different structures. We also had great fun posting real coins into money boxes and then tried to shake them all out!

To extend our gross motor skills we have been using the trampoline in outside ChIL to see if we can bounce  lifting two feet of the bed as we hold onto the bar and count how many bounces we can manage before we are tired.

In our adult-led teaching on Monday we learnt a new action song to remember each others names. On Tuesday we shared another one of our friends favourite books and enjoyed answering questions about the text and pretending to be different characters in the book.

On Monday we had our first Music lesson with Mrs Price. We learnt a song about a Grandad strolling and friends running and used drum sticks to beat along in time to the music. We had a great lesson and all our teachers were very proud of our musical abilities.


On Wednesday we met two new important members of the Nursery class; Peter Rabbit and Spot. Mrs Radgman explained that these two friends like to go home for a sleepover with the children in the class when they see them doing wonderful things like being kind, sharing, trying really hard with new skills, making friends, and lots more. We were very excited to see who would be the first friend to take Peter home.

We shared more favourite stories this week and these have promoted some lovely development in the ‘Communication and Language’ area of development. We look forward to sharing more next week. We also had our first library session with our toys in the school library. We climbed the long flight of stairs up to the first floor and then snuggled down with our toys to enjoy some stories.

We have also been thinking this week about the ‘Rules’ that we should have in Nursery. We played a game with Spot, Peter and the Lily and role-played some kind ways to behave and some that we thought we shouldn’t do in Nursery. We used our voices and thinking skills well and we now have a set of rules that we will share with our families so we can do them at home too.

Have lovely weekends after your very busy full week in Nursery. We are very proud of you.

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