girls playing the violin

Form One Weekly News 2nd October 2023

5th October 23

In Mathematics this week, we have been using different mathematical vocabulary including ‘greater than’ and ‘less than’. We have been comparing amounts and using the correct signs. We like to imagine the signs are a greedy crocodile’s mouth and he always tries to eat the greater amount!

In English, we took time to share the story of ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’. We enjoyed the repeated refrains and decided to add percussion to them to enhance the story. The next day we thought about the Giant and the kindness he had shown his friends. Mrs Delves dropped by to say she had received a lovely postcard from the Giant, so we decided to write postcards to each other, focusing on the personality traits which we admire in each other.

In Science, we discovered that we are mammals! We couldn’t believe it. We learnt a lot of interesting facts about mammals and then discovered that there are other animal groups too, including reptiles, fish, birds and amphibians. We used the internet, posters and books to help us learn more about the animal groups, before we sorted them into their different groups.

In Art, we enjoyed learning about the Hindu festival, Diwali which is coming up in November. We enjoyed watching a little girl helping her family to get ready for Diwali and also finding out the reason it is celebrated with the amazing story of Rama and Sita. We loved getting our hands sticky in the clay and making little clay candle holders, known as divas. We know Rama and Sita would have loved them.

We have been working really hard over the last few weeks learning about different religions.  We have found similarities and differences between them and we have learned how to say some tricky words too! Today we were able to sort images from the different religions and wrote about the images for our classroom display.

Today we also impressed Mrs Weir and our friends by being brave and standing up in front of the class to recite our poems! The girls knew they needed to project their voices and did so! Thank you to the parents for your hard work at home helping the girls with this task.

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